About Me and My Special Handmade Jewelry Business

Hello! My name is Hailee Tennant, and I am the owner of Daily Dangles Boutique on Etsy and the blog Simplify the Sparkle! I am a high school girly girl who loves musical theater, playing the flute, painting, and hoarding books. Oh yeah… and making jewelry!

How I started making jewelry

My handmade jewelry business all started when I was about 12. I received an earring-making kit as a Christmas gift and started to make earrings. I had never actually thought about selling my jewelry until I met a 6th grader who made and sold rings. She inspired me to share my creativity with the world! 

I decided that I wanted to start selling my earrings. The question was, how? I had heard about Etsy, a platform for selling handmade goods, and decided to try that. So in July of 2021, after tons and tons of research, I finally opened my Etsy shop! Woot woot!

Eventually, I got into the ring and necklace biz, too. After a little while of being on Etsy (and not seeing much income), I decided I needed a new strategy. That is what I want to share with all of you!

 I understand that after a while of not seeing the results that you want to see in your business, you start to run out of steam. Well, I want to offer you the inspiration and encouragement that you need to keep going, along with many of the things that have learned along my jewelry-making adventure!

In addition to selling my jewelry, one of my main goals for my business has always been to share my Christian faith with those around me. I realized that people tend to buy jewelry to make themselves look prettier. I want to help remind people that they are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14). Each and every one of you are perfectly made in God’s image!

Strap yourselves in, folks, cause this entrepreneuring journey is gonna be the ride of a lifetime!


  1. I’m so excited to hear about everything you’re going to share with us! Thanks for a great inspiration, Hailee!

  2. ME

    WOW! I Love it! That is an amazing story.

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