November Update (Plus Cyber Week Sale Announcement!)

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Hello and welcome to my November Update! If you don’t already know, I’m Hailee, a high school musical theater loving, reading, jewelry-making daughter of the King! To learn more about me, click here!

I wanted to let you all know what I have been up to this month. Oh yes, and announce my cyber week sale!! Stick around to learn more!

***Please note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase from any of the affiliate links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This really helps me out and I thank you if you make a purchase!

Business Updates!

Here are some updates that have to do with my jewelry business and blog!

Cyber Week Sale!

My Cyber Week Sale on Etsy is up and running! Up until November 30, 2022, shop at Daily Dangles Boutique to get 20% off on EVERYTHING!


Bracelets and Anklets

This technically happened in October, but I wanted to remind you about the bracelets and anklets that I am selling! Click here to check them out on Etsy!

Here are some pictures!

Remember, if you order these off of Etsy before November 30th, you can get these at 20% off!

To learn more about these bracelets and anklets and how I created them, click here!

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest!

November Blog Post

Here is the other blog post that I have published this month:

5 Encouraging Bible Verses to Make Your Day Better!


As of right now, I have hit 35 sales on Etsy! I hope to get to 45 sales, maybe even 50, by the new year. That may be shooting too high, but we’ll see what happens!

It’s been kind of slow going lately, but that’s okay. I know it takes time to grow Etsy shops, so I’m not really worried.

I actually have kind of a funny story to tell you. A little while ago, I received an order from Italy. As you can probably imagine, I was pretty excited. This was my first sale out of the country! Then, I received a message over Etsy from the lady who ordered. It was written in Italian and said that she placed the order by mistake and was wondering if she could get a refund.

So, utilizing Google Translate, I was talking back and forth with the lady, and eventually did refund her. I’m not really sure how she accidentally placed an order, but I am glad that I was able to help her. Plus, it makes for a good story!

Join my email list!

I am going to be honest, I have not been very good about sending out emails lately, but I hope to change that soon! Sign up for my newsletter below to receive exclusive updates from me and maybe even some coupon codes for my Etsy shop!


Life Updates!

Here are updates of some of the things that have been going on in my life outside of my business.

Ouch! My finger!!

So, I think that I have mentioned this in a few of my previous blog posts, but I did fracture my finger. Many people have asked me how I got the fracture, so here’s the story…

I was in PE at school and we were playing a game called “Knock-Out” which involves shooting baskets. As many of you know, I am not an athletic person by any means. I’m a theater kid through and through who absolutely despises PE. That’s right, despises.

Anyway, it was my turn to make a basket. The basketball bounced off of the hoop or backboard (I don’t remember which one) and came flying back at me with a vengeance. I reached out to catch it, and I did… With one consequence. The ball had bent my finger forward.

As soon as my finger bent, I was like “Uh-oh. Something’s wrong.” Then, a little while later, my finger swelled, turned some pretty weird colors, and hurt really bad. So, I went to urgent care and they told me it was fractured and I would have to wear a splint.

Turns out, I would need to wear that splint for way longer than I thought: about five weeks. In fact, I still have it on. It has made typing blog posts and making jewelry more difficult, but I’ve gotten used to it.

I am so excited to be able to take the splint off, though!

Sickness takes down my musical theater group… Right before a show!

Since August, my musical theater group has been rehearsing to do Into the Woods Jr. We were all set to preform on the fourth and fifth of November, and then most of the cast got sick, me included.

Our director considered postponing our show, but there were so many components that went into putting it on that she decided that we would just power through.

So, those who could get out of bed performed. For those who were too sick to come, however, we had some very talented eighth-graders act as understudies for them and learned their parts in 24 hours. I’m so thankful for them!

That was a very long and tiring weekend. And I’ve still got a lingering cough as a reminder.


Thanksgiving is coming up this Thursday, and I am so excited for a break from school. It has been so busy lately and I am past due for some rest, I think.

My grandparents are coming down from Monterey, California to visit my family for Thanksgiving, so that will be fun! In the comments let me know what you are doing for Thanksgiving!

B.A.S.I.C Club

One of the things that I am most excited about is the Christian club that I joined at my school. The call it the BASIC Club; BASIC standing for Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I have been going for maybe a little over a month and I absolutely love it!

I would say that there are about 10-15 people who come and they are all so kind and welcoming. It is just such a wonderful environment and I feel so safe there, considering that I go to a public school that desperately needs Jesus. I am so thankful for all of my BASIC buddies!

If you go to school in person, I definitely encourage you to join the Christian club at your school. And if there isn’t one, you should definitely start one! Click here to view my post on my little sister who started her own Christian club!

What do you think?

Well, that’s about all I have for you today! I am so thankful for all that God is doing in my life and am so glad that I got to share it with you! By commenting or contacting me, let me know if you enjoyed this post! Would you like me to write more monthly updates?

Don’t forget to shine bright and spread the light! Have an amazing Thanksgiving!

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