How to Create Stunning Pinterest Pins using Canva

Lady with laptop with words that say "How to Create a Pinterest Pin on Canva"

Most bloggers know that Pinterest is one of the best ways to get traffic to your site. And to get people to click on your Pinterest pins, you want to ensure that you have visually appealing pins that are to the point and easy to read.

In this blog post, I want to teach you how I create my pins using Canva! I will actually be creating the pin that I will use for this very blog post! Canva is one of my favorite tools that I use while blogging. It is what I always use when I want to put my blog posts on Pinterest. One of the nice things about Canva is that it is so simple to use!

If you want to learn my super easy process for creating Pinterest pins using Canva, make sure to stick around!

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Step 1. Open Canva

Alrighty, the first thing you will want to do is open Canva and choose what kind of design you want. I like to use the Pinterest Pin design that is 1,000 by 15000 pixels.

If you choose the same design as me, this is what it should look like.

Another thing you could do if you don’t want to start completely from scratch like I am is to use a template. There are many templates that you can choose from and it may require less work than starting from scratch.

I prefer this way, just because I feel like I have more freedom when creating my pins from scratch than when I use a template. You can, of course, do whatever you wish!

Step 2. Choose an image

The next thing that you will want to do is choose an image. I like to get mine for free from

Usually, I try to keep mine somewhat relevant to what my blog post is about. Like since creating a Pinterest pin on Canva requires me to use a computer, I chose to use a photo of a lady working on her laptop.

Next, you will want to download the image that you chose and upload it to Canva. To do this just click the “uploads” button from the bar on the left side and then click “upload files”.

Step 3. Edit the image

Once you have your chosen image uploaded to Canva, you may want to edit it.

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I like to crop mine so you can see mainly the focal point of the photo. Then, I may add a filter to it so that the color pops a little bit if needed.

Step 4. Add text

Once you are pleased with your edited image, it is time to add text. To do this, click the “Text” button on the left bar.

Remember to only add the words that are needed in the title of your blog post. You don’t want the pin to seem too busy because it is crowded with words that you don’t need.

I like to add 2-3 different fonts to make the pin seem less bland so it catches the eye of the viewer and makes them want to read it.

Now, I am going to go to the “Elements” tab to find “Pinterest” in its original font. That way, it will hopefully be more familiar to the viewer and catch their eye.

I am going to do the same thing with Canva. I think that it makes my pin more exciting!

Okay, now I want to make the words pop and be more visible by adding a rectangle behind them. To do this, go to the “Elements” tab, then “Lines & Shapes”, then I will choose the rectangle.

Once I choose the color of the rectangles and put them behind the words, I am going to make them a bit more transparent. I think that this just helps the rectangles seem less out of place with the rest of the image.

And in case anyone was wondering, yes. I did change the color of “Canva”. I thought that it made it pop more!

Okay, now I am just going to add another rectangle going across the bottom of the image. (For this rectangle, I usually don’t make it transparent.) Then, I type in my website at the bottom. I think that this makes the pin look more professional!

Step 5. Download/Save your new image

And here is the finished product! Now, all that you need to do is download it. To do this, click the white “share” button at the top, right corner.

Lastly, click the download button, choose how you want to download it, and you’re done! Woohoo! Super easy right? It is ready to upload to Pinterest!

More Examples

Here are some more examples of Pinterest pins that I made using Canva!

How to price handmade jewelry so you make a profit
Lady at laptop with words that say "How to Easily Add Listings on Etsy"

What do you think?

And that’s it! If you are willing to give it, I would love to hear your feedback! Was this post helpful? Do you still have questions? Feel free to contact me or comment on this post to let me know! Also, if there is anything you would like me to write about, please tell me! I want to know what you want to read!

Don’t forget to shine bright and spread the light!

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