How to Make Seasonal Collections for Your Handmade Jewelry Business

How to Make Seasonal Collections for Your Handmade Jewelry Business

If there is one thing that I love doing, it is making seasonal collections for my handmade jewelry business! It is even better when the collection is successful and profitable! In this post, I am going to show you, step by step, how to create a successful seasonal collection for your handmade jewelry business!

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WHY should I make a seasonal collection?

Creating seasonal collections can take some time, but if they succeed, it is worth it! My seasonal collections help to drive more traffic to my Etsy shop and they also increase my sales!

If you are strategic when making your collections, they should really help to drive you more traffic, which can lead to sales, which leads to profit!

WHEN should I make seasonal collections?

I find that my seasonal collections are the most profitable when I make them for holidays. Not just any holidays, though. It has to be a holiday where people give gifts! This way, you don’t have to try to encourage buyers to only buy your jewelry just for themselves, but also as a gift for loved ones.

In addition to holidays, you can also make seasonal collections around different seasons. Try making a summer collection, or maybe a fall collection! Here are some great ideas of times when you can make seasonal collections!


Christmas, I think, is one of the best, if not the best, times for making a seasonal collection. During Christmas, many people try to show their holiday spirit by wearing Christmas-y clothes and accessories. This holiday is one of the biggest gift-giving holidays around, as well.

This is a great time to make jewelry specifically for Christmas! You can use red, green, gold, silver, or anything that just screams Christmas! Buyers will hopefully purchase your jewelry to add to their holiday wardrobe or to give as gifts!

Here is an example of one of my Christmas collections!

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is another really great time for making a seasonal collection! Aside from Christmas, my Valentine’s Day collection did the best on Etsy! It is just another time that customers can buy some accessories and give gifts to loved ones!

Here is an example of one of my Valentine’s Day collections!


Summer is another excellent time for making a collection! You could make jewelry with shells, shape wire into waves, there are so many fun options!

Here are some other great ideas for seasonal collections!

  • Fall/Autumn
  • Back to School
  • Thanksgiving
  • Spring
  • Easter
  • New Year
  • Halloween
  • St. Patrick’s Day

HOW to make seasonal collections?

Alright, now that you know why you should make seasonal collections and when you should be making them, let’s learn how to make one!

1. Plan ahead

I would start getting ready to launch your collections a month or two before the season. Say you have decided to do a collection for Christmas, well you should start preparing for it in November or October. This way you have plenty of time to design your jewelry and promote it.

In these few months before the season, you need to decide on

  1. The jewelry you are going to sell
  2. A launch/end date for your collection
  3. How you are going to promote your collection

2. Designing and pricing your jewelry

Since I usually sell more rings than earrings, I usually make about 2 rings and 1 pair of earrings in each collection, give or take. You can do whatever you like, based on your business.

Make sure that your new jewelry goes along with the season or holiday that you are making it for, making sure that the theme and colors are relevant.

Make sure that you price your jewelry appropriately! If you need a guide on how to price jewelry so it is fair to both your buyers and you, click here! Something that I really like to do when I have collections is to offer a special deal if you buy the whole collection. For example, if a buyer purchases the whole collection, they could save $5.

Keep in mind that if you are selling online, you will want to use keywords in the title of your jewelry item. Ex. Green Christmas Ring, Beaded Valentine’s Day Earrings.

3. Decide on a launch/end date for your collection

Next, you will want to decide when to start selling your seasonal jewelry. If you are doing a Christmas collection, maybe you will want to launch it on December 1st. Or perhaps you will launch it in mid-November.

Whenever you choose to launch, remember that you will want to give buyers lots of time to consider buying your jewelry, and then enough time to actually wear it when they buy it. That is why I would recommend starting to sell your jewelry at least a month before the holiday or season. That way, your customers have plenty of time to wear and enjoy their new jewelry before the holiday/season is over.

Then, you will decide if you want to have your collection available year-round, or if you want to have an end date. Make sure you let your buyers know either way!

4. Promote your seasonal collections

Remember, when you are launching new products or collections, promotion is key! Remember to do lots of posts on social media, telling your viewers about your collection, how long it is available (do you have an end date?), how much it costs, etc.

I would post at least twice a week, if not more! Remember that potential buyers often have to see products multiple times before they buy them.

5. Consider doing a giveaway!

Giveaways are great ways to promote your seasonal collection and encourage people to buy your jewelry! Click here to see my post on how to do a successful and profitable giveaway!

What do you think?

Well, that is about all I have for you today! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this post! I would be more than happy to answer them and offer you some encouragement!

Thank you so much for reading this post! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! Remember to shine bright and spread the light!

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