New Product Feature: I’m Now Selling Bracelets and Anklets!

bracelets and anklets

Hey, everyone! Guess what? I have a new type of product that I’m selling… Bracelets and anklets! Since I have never sold bracelets or anklets before (well, and because I’m super excited about it) I decided to do a product feature on them!

***Please note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase from any of the affiliate links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This really helps me out and I thank you if you make a purchase!


Check out some pictures of my new jewelry items!

I sell both single bracelets/anklets and I offer the option to get them in a set of 2!

One of the special things about these bracelets and anklets is that you can choose whether you want a colored heart on your bracelet/anklet or a letter. Or, if you want a set of bracelets, you can get a heart and a letter! Here are the color options for the hearts:

Each bracelet/anklet is adjustable and you can get them in different sizes to make sure that they fit you perfectly!

Plus, you can choose whether you want gold chain or silver chain!

The Making

Okay, so how I started making these is kind of funny. I wish I could say that all of a sudden I had this brilliant design idea and had to get started on these bracelets and anklets right away, but that is not at all how it happened.

I knew that I wanted to start making, and possibly selling, bracelets and necklaces, so I had already bought a chain kit about a month ago. I had made a few bracelets already, but none that I really felt comfortable selling. Then, one Saturday, I figured that it was about time I put to use the chain that I bought and start making some bracelets to sell.

So, I sat at my desk and looked around. What beads do I put on the bracelet? I opened several drawers, looked in a few organizers, but none of the beads that I had seemed quite right. Then my eyes settled on a round organizer that I have that is filled with heart beads.

I thought that with some white beads on either side, those heart beads would look really cute on a bracelet! So I made one, and I loved it! This bracelet was the very first one of it’s type that I made!

Then I had another idea: what if I also offer an option for buyers to add a letter onto their bracelet instead of a heart? So I made one like that, too. I decided that buyers can also purchase their bracelets in a set, which is actually cheaper per bracelet than just buying one.

But, what about anklets?

“But Hailee,” you may be wondering, “You are selling both bracelets and anklets. How did you decide to make an anklet, too?”

Well, that actually wasn’t my own idea. Honestly, I don’t really wear anklets so I probably wouldn’t have come up with that on my own. Thankfully, I have a friend who wears anklets all the time, and she mentioned that I should try making one. She even let me borrow one of hers to use as a reference.

I figured that now was a good time for me to branch out and start to make anklets, too. Why not? I mean, I am already preparing to start selling my first bracelet, why not splurge and start selling anklets at the same time?

Believe it or not, folks, I did it. I took the same design from my already made bracelet and the measurements from my borrowed anklet, and made my own:

And surprisingly, I did all of this, including taking pictures and posting the listing on Etsy, all in one afternoon! Thank you God for the energy, determination, and inspiration!

Where you can buy a bracelet and/or anklet!

I will mainly be selling these special bracelets and anklets on Daily Dangles Boutique, which is my Etsy shop. Click here to check them out! Although, they are also for sale on my Instagram page as well, for those of you do not require me to ship your order.

Oh, wanna hear something awesome? On the very day that I started selling these items on Instagram, I got an order! Woohoo!

What do you think?

And, that’s about all I have for you today! If you have read some of my posts before, then you know that this is the time where I ask for your feedback! Did you like reading about the creation of my newest products? Do you have questions? Comments? Well if you do, please feel free to contact me or comment on this post!

Let me know if you want to read about the creation of more of my jewelry items! Or, tell me about anything else you want me to write about!

Before I end this post, I just want to remind all of you that I have a sale going on this month! From now until October 26, 2022, you can get 10% off on this ring:

autumn ring

And that’s it! Remember how much Jesus loves you! He wants you to shine bright and spread His light! See you later!

*Keep scrolling for goodies!

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