Random Photo Dump! (Experimenting with my photography skills)

pink flower

Hey all! I’m Hailee, the owner of DailyDanglesBoutique on Etsy and the owner of this blog that you’re reading right now, Simplify the Sparkle! Click here to learn more about me!

So, it’s almost the middle of December, how are you all doing? Are you done with your Christmas shopping? Have you even started yet? I think I’m right about in the middle of those two.

Anyway, I was ready with my laptop this morning, trying to think of something, anything, to write about. I wasn’t getting any inspiration, so, because I wanted to post my usual weekly post, instead of writing a normal blog post, I decided to go outside and get some photography practice in. I decided to post some of those pictures on here! Why not turn it into a blog post?

***Please note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase from any of the affiliate links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This really helps me out and I thank you if you make a purchase!

Christmas Tree Photo Slideshow

Since it’s December and all, here are a few photos I took of my family’s Christmas tree!

  • Christmas photo dump image 1
  • Christmas photo dump image 2
  • Christmas photo dump image 3

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Random Photos from Outside

What do you think?

I know that this post is very different from the ones that I usually post, but what do you think? Do you want to see more photo dumps? Let me know by commenting on this post or by contacting me! Also, if you have any, I would love if you could give me some inspiration about what to write about, since I was a little stuck today.

Thank you so much for reading this post! Don’t forget to shine bright and spread the light! Have a great rest of your day!

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