The Best News EVER! What is the “Gospel”?

The Best News EVER! What is the “Gospel”?

Hello, everyone! Today I want to share with you the BEST news in the history of, well, ever!

But first, I want to ask you a question: Are you afraid of death? Do you know where you are going or what happens after you die?

Well, in this post, I hope to sooth your fears and answer your questions!

Have you ever heard the word “gospel”? “Gospel” means “good news”. So, when Christians use the word “gospel,” they are talking about the good news of Jesus Christ! “What is that good news?” you might be wondering. Well, I’m glad you asked because I am going to tell you!

The Good News!

Whether you believe it or not, we have an absolutely perfect God that created and governs our world and everything in it. He created each and every one of us in His perfect image. That’s right, we are created in GOD’S IMAGE! Pretty crazy, am I right?

God loves us so, so much! So much that He wants us to live with Him forever! But there’s one problem: God is the image of love and perfection while us humans… Well, we make mistakes and do bad things very often, which is called sinning. As much as God loves us and wants us to live with Him in His perfect world, which is called Heaven, God hates sin. Because we aren’t perfect like Him, we can’t live with Him.

“Wait,” you might be wondering, “How is that good news?” I promise, it gets better. Waaaay better. God knew that because we are imperfect people, there was no way that we could be with Him. So, God made a plan. About 2,000 years ago, God sent His Son, that’s right, His Son, down to earth. God’s own son was not born to a king and queen, like you might expect. He didn’t make a grand entrance with angels and chariots either. No, he was given birth to by an ordinary woman in an ordinary town.

God wanted His Son, who’s name is Jesus, to lead a life of humility, as an example to us. It was God’s plan to have Jesus killed on a cross. Jesus, God’s absolutely perfect Son who led an absolutely perfect life, was killed so that we could go to Heaven! When Jesus was crucified, he took the blame for all of our sins so that we could go to Heaven to be with God! Then, by God’s amazing power, Jesus was raised from the dead!

All we have to do to go to Heaven is believe in Jesus and His sacrifice and we receive God’s great gift of forgiveness and unconditional love! When we surrender our lives to Jesus and accept His sacrifice, we don’t have to reach God’s standard of perfection. Even though we make mistakes, we can still be with God because when He looks at us, all He sees is His perfect son who willingly gave up his life for us because He loves us so much!

We don’t know the day that we will die, so I encourage you to, right now, accept God’s amazing gift of love and forgiveness. Believe in Jesus and His sacrifice with all your heart and I will see you in Heaven some day! However, if you don’t put your faith in Jesus, you will not go to Heaven and this life is going to be the best that you will ever get. And believe me, it can get so, so much better than this!

It is so easy to receive God’s good gift. I cannot urge you enough, friends, to accept this gift and receive forgiveness and eternal life! No matter where you are in life right now, reach out to God and repent and all your sins, past, present, and future, will be forgiven!

That’s all I have for you today! I hope that this post was helpful and meaningful to you. If you need any encouragement or have questions and/or prayer requests, please let me know! You can contact me here!

See you later!

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